We obtain information regarding honesty in previous job experiences, personal habits (alcohol or drug consumption), criminal links, and leaking of confidential information which may harm your company. To avoid hiring personnel that later results non-trustworthy, our pre-employment screening tests allow you to get a good picture of your candidates. Our Routine Polygraph Tests may help you assess if any of your workers has violated your trust, and has engaged in activities that endanger the business profits.
There are several occasions where internal controls are not enough to guarantee 100% security in the company. Perhaps something was stolen, or you'd rather prevent one to happen, we have an important array of services that can suit your needs to assess the reliability of your employees, or identify possible risks during your hiring process. El propósito de una charla de seguridad es el de enseñarle a tus empleados las habilidades básicas de seguridad e ideas sobre lo que deben tener. We enjoy a high reputation among our customers, as a company that provides professional assessment in Polygraph Services, both for the public and private sector. Las conversaciones de seguridad, también llamadas conversaciones de la caja de herramientas, son discursos y discusiones diseñados para negocios y empresas. International Polygraph Training Center S.A., is a panamenian company with offices in Mexico, Central and South America.